Tuesday, 5 February 2008


I don't know what it is, but everyware I go I seem to end up in a argument!, most often over my subject of the paranormal. Take for instanse, my membership of the "most haunted"forum. Over the last two days or so, I have had a running debate over the case of the two mutilated whales, found on the shoreline, down here in Exmouth, in 1997 and 1987. Because I stated that these cases occured during UFO waves of activity in the area, then a cetain person on the forum thought that I was infering that aliens were responsible for these events!. NOT
SO!.....I tend to think that these barbaric acts are bring carried out by humans, why?..god only knows,

1 comment:

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

I read about the mutilated whales in Jon Downes' book "The Rising of the Moon". Sometimes when lots of strange things are happening then it's temping to blame aliens when you lose your car keys or the TV packs up. I'm sure everyday mishaps still go on, even in the middle of a UFO flap!